Fast to Faith: Weight Loss & Hormone Support for Women Over 35

#226: Nurturing Your Own Holy Trinity

Dr. Tabatha Season 6 Episode 226

Did you know that you have your own Holy Trinity? Your mind, body and spirit are like God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. All three are connected and working together to create this sense of who you are. Many women tend to focus on one or two, but not all three! 

God wants you to nurture all three. Learn why fasting may be the super tool that can help you nurture all three!

In this very special episode, I discuss:

  • Why you can’t heal a body you hate
  • How to improve yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually 
  • Cultivating your mindset to get back into balance 
  • Nourishing yourself through God’s word
  • And much more!

Thank you for tuning in! Want to dive deeper? Accelerate your fasting journey with the Fasting Accelerator Collection—your ultimate guide to maximizing your fasting results. If you’re ready to take your health coaching to the next level, check out our Coach Certification Program designed for passionate individuals looking to help others thrive. Don’t forget to download the Fast to Faith app for exclusive recipes and to connect with a supportive sisterhood dedicated to health, wellness, and faith.

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Dr. Tabatha [00:00:00]:
Did you know that you have a holy trinity? So I like to think of how powerful this symbol of unity really is. It reminds us that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, they were three separate entities, yet they are all the same energy. Right? They all have the same purpose of love and grace. In the same way, our body, mind, and spirit are a holy trinity. They are all connected and working together to create this overall sense of who we are. And so it's vital that we acknowledge all three pieces of our trinity, our body, our mind, and our spirit. And what I have seen over the years is many women get very singular, focused. Many women are very much into their body and their health, but they're ignoring maybe their spiritual side or their mindset, or they're very spiritually motivated and focused on their relationship with God and growing and their spiritual health, and they're letting their body go to the wayside.

Dr. Tabatha [00:01:26]:
They're kind of not acknowledging the fact that it's falling apart, it's having problems, it's struggling. You know, you. You have bad knee or bad back. Were you developing diabetes or heart disease, things like this? And God really wants us to remember that we are a holy trinity. He wants us to heal our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. He wants us to nurture all three. This is talked about all throughout the Bible, and that is why fasting is such an incredible super tool, because it heals all three when done properly, because you need your mind to actually get you through the fasting process. It physically heals your body, and you are required to strengthen that spiritual connection to get through the process.

Dr. Tabatha [00:02:33]:
So I love that so much. So remember, our bodies are the physical vessel that allow us to interact with the world around us. You know, God lent these bodies to us. They are on borrow. They don't belong to us. We are using them to house our spirit for this timely event on earth called our life. But it's not the end all, be all. It's how we interact with the world.

Dr. Tabatha [00:03:03]:
The body allows us to feel things, to experience things, but it's our mind and our spirit that are really the connecting pieces of that experience, if that makes sense. So just as Christ is the embodiment of love and grace, like reading scripture and studying Jesus life, you can see, like, this is how love functions. Our minds are at the seat of our thoughts and emotions. It's through our minds that we are able to make sense of the world and find meaning in our experiences. It's also through our minds that we're able to experience compassion and empathy for others and really process what's happening in our body. So what's going on in our mind has to be reeled in. A lot of us, we have this thing called a monkey mind, where our thoughts are just going and going, and it's a lot of mindless chatteregh. And we need to be more mindful, because our minds are super powerful things.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:17]:
They can change how our body feels. They can change our actions. They can change whether or not we want a relationship with God. So our mind is very powerful, and we want to use it for good. Okay, so God created our bodies. Our bodies are a physical vessel. They help us interact with the world around them. Like I said, we perform our actions.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:44]:
We have experiences, then we have our mind, which encompasses all of this and gives us this experience. And then we have our spirit. Just like the Holy Spirit is the source of wisdom and guidance, our spirit is the source of our inner strength and resilience. So it's through our spirit that we're able to connect with God and find our sense of purpose and make meaning out of all of this, out of the experiences our bodies are having, the feelings that we're having, the thoughts we're having, it's through our spirit that we should also be able to find inner peace and contentment, no matter what is going on. So this is really important because I always say, you cannot heal a body you hate. You have to shift your mindset. You have to love your body where it is at, just like Jesus teaches us. And then you can shift, then you can grow, then you can heal.

Dr. Tabatha [00:05:53]:
Because getting our trinity back into balance and harmony, our body, mind, and spirit, just that is where you strengthen your faith. You feel more connected to other human beings, to the earth, to your creator. And that is where your best life lives. That is where your best self lives, in that promise of the healthy, complete holy trinity. So I hope that makes sense to you. I really found this empowering when I started thinking about it this way. So we're doing all the things necessary, right? Like, let's think about these three pieces, and what are we doing? Are we addressing the physical body? Are we addressing the mind? And are we addressing the spiritual side of us? So, physically, you guys need to get sleep. Sleep was actually foundational for me to heal.

Dr. Tabatha [00:07:02]:
I was so sleep deprived being an ob gyn, and I had a lot of sleeping that I had to do to heal my body. I did not need exercise. I did not need therapy and things like that as much as I needed sleep. We need all that stuff but I needed sleep more than anything. And if that's you, you don't even feel bad about it. You need to sleep like it's your job. You need to make it a priority. If you are not getting 8 hours a night, you know, you can't not show up to your job.

Dr. Tabatha [00:07:38]:
So stop not showing up to sleep. If you are cheating yourself and getting five or 6 hours or barely seven, stop not showing up to your job. Sleep your eight plus hours. Get that in, okay? It's so important. And then move your body. God designed our bodies to move every single day on a regular basis. It is just now in the last 30 to 40 years, with all of this technology that we've created, that we've stopped moving our bodies. And God really does not want that for us.

Dr. Tabatha [00:08:18]:
As much as he wants us to use our mind and be innovative and create new things, he still wants us to move. Okay, so take care of that physical body and fasting goes along with that. Cultivate your mindset. Practice mindfulness, practice journaling. That's why this fast to faith program works, because you're getting control of what's happening in your monkey mind. Youre realizing all the crazy chatter that's going on and that a lot of it's just lies on replay stuff that it's all just fear based lies. It's not actually the truth. It's not anything from God.

Dr. Tabatha [00:09:01]:
Your mind will lie to you. So you have to get control of what's happening up there and then find that balance. Get nourished by the word, get into scripture, find a scripture or two that really resonates and speaks to you and hold on to it. Say it throughout the day, hang it up, read it repeatedly. Find something that reconnects you and keeps your relationship strong. And for me, that relationship slides away quite often. I'll just be honest with you. I get to getting busy in my daily life.

Dr. Tabatha [00:09:48]:
I'm doing all the things I got to do. You know, I'm like, my ego kicks in and I know what I need and what I need to accomplish and my check off lists and God goes bye bye and is. And now I'm at least aware of it sooner and I can call him back quicker. But I think that is part of being a human being. I think that we have to make it a practice to ask him to be in our life to call him back. He's not always going to be front and center because we have egos, because we are sinners, because we have this human nature, and so don't even be mad at yourself for that. Just know that's how you are and that you're going to begin again. I'm going to bring God back.

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:43]:
I'm going to strengthen that relationship. Even though I had it yesterday, it's gone today. Let's bring it back and strengthen that relationship. And once I started doing that, I didn't feel so bad, because, honestly, being raised Catholic, I felt guilt for a lot of stuff. And I would feel guilty that I forgot about Christ and wasn't living, you know, with that mindset and with an active relationship with God. And so every time I was aware of it, I would beat myself up and it would just push me further away. So don't do that. Don't do what I did.

Dr. Tabatha [00:11:24]:
It's not necessary. God knows that you have faults. God knows that you're going to slip away, but he wants you and expects you to ask him to come back. So I just ask him every day. And that's what the cool thing about doing fast to faith, if you're reading scripture every morning, you're automatically re inviting him back into your life every single morning. Just as the sun rises every day, so does that relationship. You always get to begin again. You always get a second chance.

Dr. Tabatha [00:12:00]:
God never gives up on you. That is so amazing and so cool. It's just that we beat ourselves up and we push him away because we don't feel worthy. We don't feel good enough. We didn't deserve it. And that's all a bunch of crap. Honestly. Like Jesus said, I suffered so that you just get to have it.

Dr. Tabatha [00:12:24]:
You don't have to earn a spot at the table. You just get to have it. All you got to do is ask God to be with you. So it's so powerful. Please, please, please lean into that and know that God's got you. Okay? So take care of your holy trinity. Think about your body. Think about your mind.

Dr. Tabatha [00:12:45]:
Think about your spirit. Connect all three. You will feel whole. That is why so many of us feel lost, disconnected, incomplete, unhealthy, sad, depressed, anxious, because we're not whole. So reconnect your holy trinity and get whole. Please find a sister that needs to come into our group and that needs this as well, and invite them. We need to encourage one another. This is a sisterhood, not a competition.

Dr. Tabatha [00:13:20]:
Okay? Lift your sisters up. Tell them how amazing they are. Tell them that they are a child of God, therefore they're good enough. They are accepted. You accept them as their friend, as their sister, their mom, whatever the case may be. Like let's keep spreading this love and acceptance through Jesus Christ. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to, you know. Listen, I'm so honored to be doing this for you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:13:56]:
And it just fills my heart. That's what God is telling me to do, and I'm following my heart, so I love it. I appreciate you, and I will talk to you soon.