Fast to Faith: Weight Loss & Hormone Support for Women Over 35

196: Merry Christmas! God's Got You!

December 26, 2023 Dr. Tabatha Season 4 Episode 196

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Jesus! As we come to the end of the year and a new year stands on the horizon, I want you to take some time to sit with things as they are before rushing off to the next thing. Things in my life have been in chaos recently, but I trust in Jesus and know that He has my back and my life is going to be ok. In fact, it’s going to be incredible! 

I’m sharing with you a very important story in my own life that both tested my resolve and solidified my faith. Many things that are hard for us are here to help us grow - they aren’t for us to understand, but to trust that the sun will always rise.. You just have to know that God has got your back.

Struggling with Hormonal Imbalance & Belly Fat? Discover your Personalized Solution! Are You Ready To Feel Good In Your Clothes Again? Start your journey with a new App "Fast to Faith."

Support your hormone balance with Hormone Tame Essentials Multivitamin.

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