The Gutsy Gynecologist™️ Show

Episode 59: How Nutrition Impacts Your Fertility and Pregnancy, with Brandy Cummings

February 04, 2021 Dr. Tabatha Season 2 Episode 59
The Gutsy Gynecologist™️ Show
Episode 59: How Nutrition Impacts Your Fertility and Pregnancy, with Brandy Cummings
Show Notes

Is there one particular diet that is best for conception? What is the best way to approach nutrition before and during pregnancy? What's the most important thing to consider in your food?

In this episode, Dr. Tabatha interviews Brandy Cummings, a certified nutritionist that specializes in preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum care which she calls the pan-natal™ phase of life. They discuss those questions and many more! There's great information on how women accumulate toxicants in their everyday activities and how it gets transferred to baby during pregnancy. Such important information!

Brandy supports women and families through this important life-changing journey. The comprehensive blueprint addresses nutrition, lifestyle, genetics, environmental toxicants, stress, resilience, movement, sleep and the level of integration of all of these factors is why we can have such a profound and powerful lasting impact. As a certified nutrition consultant, with a masters in human nutrition and functional medicine, she clearly defines an up-to-date, effective, and life-changing health journey and roadmap so that people can not only impact their health and well being during their pregnancy, but beyond the pregnancy as well and into the lives of children and generations to come. 

Brandy explains that "One of the things I'm so passionate about is providing education on what the updated research is saying so people can be informed and empowered and have an active dialogue with their doctors rather than just being passive, reactive, and giving them all the power. It takes an average of 17 years for research to reach clinical practice. I want people to know how to take the driver's seat and build a team of practitioners that will get them to where they want to be. I started a Marco Polo Channel where I post current research articles, break down how to interpret them, and dive deep into what functional medicine really is."
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